Help Laughlin Children’s Center when contributing to United Way
When you contribute to the United way through your employer, you can designate a portion or all of your gift to support Laughlin Children’s Center.
All you need to do is designate Laughlin Children’s Center through the contributor’s choice section on the back of your United Way pledge form. We are agency #151.
How to Give
- Complete a pledge form [pdf] and send it to your HR Services department
- Donations can be made through recurring or one-time payroll deduction, Bill Me, check or credit card.
- Donors can designate a target area or specific organization for all or part of their donation; refer to the Regional Code Book [pdf] for a listing of Contributor Supported Agencies. We are agency #151.
Need help, Contact Us
The Laughlin Children’s Center can assist with your donation questions. Contact Jerry below:
Jerry Gaughan
Director of Development
[email protected]
How your donation is used:
- Our mission expresses itself through clinical and academic services provided to children ages two through eighteen.
- Our academic services include Dyslexia and academic tutoring and a preschool program. Our clinical services include speech, occupational and psychological therapy.
- We provide screenings to determine a child’s needs and then develop a plan for further evaluation.
- We provide over 10,000 appointments annually to nearly 2,100 children throughout Western Pennsylvania.
- As a nonprofit, we can keep our fees affordable; we accept most major insurances, and we offer a generous financial aid program for those families who qualify.