Laughlin Children’s Center offers evaluations of students’ academic achievement. Test results and recommendations from these evaluations are shared with parents in a conference as well as in a written report.
Academic Evaluations at Laughlin Children’s Center:
- Are conducted by experienced academic diagnosticians in order to gain insight into student’s academic self-image and to measure skill levels in the core subjects of reading, math, and written language; the evaluation also includes a study skills component for students in grades 5 and above
- May include a psycho-educational assessment in addition to the academic assessment; this assessment is administered by a licensed psychologist in separate visit
- Offer a complete picture of the child as a learner, identifying learning strengths and weaknesses, as well as cognitive ability and academic achievement which are helpful for educational planning
- Provide a written report and parent conference to review tests administered, student performance, specific strengths and weaknesses, and recommendations

Tutoring Services
For school-aged children, learning is a vital part of their every day lives. For this reason, Laughlin Children’s Center makes academic instruction available year-round, leading not only to better understanding, but also to greater self-confidence and motivation.
Laughlin Children’s Center Individualized Instruction:
- Uses evaluations before instruction begins to identify the goals of instruction
- Employs only certified teachers who specialize thier instruction in order to address student’s needs in areas of reading, math, written language, and study and organizational skills
- Is geared to each child’s instructional level (level at which the student can experience success) with level of difficulty raised gradually because repeated success builds positive academic self-image
- Includes post-testing which assesses improvement
- Provides progress reports that outline what has been taught and specific areas of continued need
How can a I start getting tutoring services for my child?
- Step 1: Comprehensive Evaluation – Schedule an evaluation with the Laughlin Children’s Center. In some cases, the Laughlin Center can accept evaluations from other sources such as your child’s school district or another institution.
- Step 2: Parent/Evaluator Meeting – The evaluator shares the results of the evaluation with the parents and makes recommendations based on the student’s performance and specific strengths and weaknesses.
- Step 3: Tutor Match – The child is matched with one of the Laughlin Center’s tutors based on the child’s specific needs and their personality.