Helping Families with Many Different Concerns
Our dedicated Psychology Department staff have helped countless families with many different concerns. The clinicians use a variety of therapeutic interventions based upon the needs of your child and family. Ideally, we are your partner in working toward achieving goals you have developed for your child. An advantage of our Center is that, in addition to Psychology, we have experts in Academics, Dyslexia, Occupational Therapy, and Speech-Language Pathology who may provide consultation, or collaboration in treatment if appropriate and desirable to do so.
Some of the most common reasons families seek our services include:
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
A diagnosis displayed as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
Anxiety and Depression
Diagnoses that commonly are associated with social and emotional disturbances. These are frequently displayed as irritability, withdrawal, worry, fatigue, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, appetite or rapid weight changes, etc.
School, Family, and Peer Relationship Problems
Such as, but not limited to, conflicts with teachers, refusal to do schoolwork, difficulty with discipline in the home or school environment, excessive arguments between siblings, recurrent conflict and communication issues with peers, separation difficulties with caregivers, etc.

Adjustment Problems
Associated with any new or ongoing stressor or circumstance such as divorce/separation of parents, parental health problems/death/military deployments, child learning disabilities or school social problems, past exposure to violence or other trauma, etc.