
The psychology department at Laughlin Children’s Center offers services to students, along with their families. Our highly qualified professionals, certified and/or licensed, have many years of experience in helping children overcome obstacles to success.

What other types of testing are provided at Laughlin Children’s Center?

  • Independent Educational Evaluations: Typically used as a second opinion following school-based testing and is paid for by the child’s school district. Must be approved by school district.
  • Academic Testing: Academic and intellectual testing can be conducted to determine if a child meets the criteria for a learning disorder
  • Kindergarten Readiness Evaluations: Developmental testing used to determine a child’s level of functioning prior to starting kindergarten and is typically paid for out of pocket by the family


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Neuropsychological Testing

Why might you pursue neuropsychological testing for your child at Laughlin Children’s Center?

  • To determine if the child meets the criteria for a diagnosis: Testing can help to differentiate diagnoses and provide information on how a child is functioning. Test results, in combination with information gathered from parents and teachers, can be used to determine if a child’s symptoms are consistent with a mental health/behavioral health diagnosis.
  • To help plan treatment to address concerns: Testing can clarify a child’s strengths and weaknesses, which can be used, in conjunction with best practices for treatment for the particular diagnosis, to provide recommendations for treatment.

What is assessed in a neuropsychological testing appointment?

  • General intellect
  • Language usage and language understanding
  • Attention and concentration
  • Processing speed
  • Learning and memory
  • Executive functions, such as problem-solving
  • Visual-spatial skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Mood
  • Social skills
  • Adaptive functioning
  • Academic functioning

What common concerns might indicate the need for neuropsychological testing for my child?

  • Attention problems
  • Memory issues
  • Language difficulties
  • Poor judgment and decision-making
  • Unexplained nervousness, sadness, or irritability
  • Social difficulties with peers
  • Learning problems
  • Unexplained behavioral issues
  • Emotional regulation issues
  • Developmental concerns

What common diagnoses might the psychologist look for during testing?

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Learning Disorders (Reading, Writing, Math)
  • Language Disorders
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Behavioral Disorders
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

What does the process of neuropsychological testing entail for me and my child?

After completing the intake process, which consists of gathering demographic and insurance information, completing consent forms and the client history form, your child will be scheduled for three to four separate appointments.

  1. The first appointment is completed virtually with the psychologist. During this initial appointment, called a Diagnostic Interview, the psychologist will ask you and your child questions about their history as well as areas of strength and concern. If your child is not able to communicate verbally, the psychologist will still want to see your child during this virtual appointment to observe their behaviors and interactions. However, the child does not need to be on camera for the full session. The initial appointment will take approximately one hour.
  2. The second session is in person and consists of direct testing with the child. When children are above 3.5 years of age, they will complete the testing independently with the psychologist while the parent completes questionnaires in the waiting room. If the child is under 3.5 years of age, the parent will remain with the child for the entirety of the session. In either case, the child will be provided with at least one break in the waiting room with their parent, and the parent is encouraged to bring snacks and drinks for the break. The testing appointment can last from 1 to 3 hours. At times, two separate in-person sessions are required, such as when academic testing is being completed as well.
  3. During the last session, which is conducted virtually, the psychologist will discuss all of the results of testing, any diagnoses that are made, and recommendations for treatment. This final appointment takes place for approximately one hour, and the child being evaluated should be present, for all or part of the session. Following the final appointment, the psychologist will finalize the report and mail it to you.

What should I do to prepare my child for the neuropsychological testing appointment?

  • Help your child to sleep well the night prior to the testing session
  • Ensure that your child eats well before the appointment
  • Make sure that your child takes all their medications unless the psychologist specifically directs you to do otherwise
  • If your child wears glasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids, make sure you bring them to the session
  • Bring snacks and drinks for your child to have during their break in testing session


Contact our Client Information Coordinator by calling 412.741.4087 or using our convenient Contact Form.