Education Workshop for Parents of Children and Teens with ADHD


    Join Our Two-Part Workshop

    Thursdays – March 6 and April 3, 2025
    6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. at Laughlin Children’s Center or Zoom

    Understanding the Nature of and the Principles for Raising Children and Teens with ADHD is a two-session learning experience for parents of children and teens with ADHD.

    This is a two session group learning experience for parents of children/teens with ADHD.  ADHD is so much more than inattention, low motivation or impulsiveness which are actually symptoms of a broader challenge. This challenge is the inconsistent & delayed development of executive functions. In each session we will start with a 40 minute presentation (some via video) on the topics listed below, then take questions from parents that can be answered in a manner relevant to the group as a whole. This group is meant to be not just informative but supportive of parents of challenging children. Space limited to 8 in-person with overflow via Zoom

    Topics covered include:

    1. The Nature of ADHD: Underlying Deficits & Development Expectations
    2. Description of Executive Functions Compromised
    3. The Crucial Mindset of Parents in Supporting Their Child’s Development
    4. Practical Strategies for Children to Build the Executive Skills